The VK-DMR Network has 50+ repeaters connected to the network. Repeaters are one of the most effective and stable ways to connect to the network.
23/04/2023 New repeater for Dubbo, NSW RadNET – The digital radio network for ARNSW have announced that a new repeater has been installed at Dubbo. Frequency is TX 439.950/RX 434.950. This repeater has a fantastic reach. Thanks to Brett & Paul at the Orana Region Amateur Radio Club.
You May have a Repeater nearby
To check any repeater details, go to the dashboard below and click on the “Service” tab located on the left side menu. There you will see the repeater call sign, frequency and other details.
The VK DMR dashboard displays “Real Time Activity”.
Click the image below to go to the dashboard.

Or View the Repeater Dashboard Here: http://rpt.vkdmr.com
For More Network Information Including Repeaters
Click the image below: stats.vkdmr.com Kindly provided by Matt VK2FLY.